It's a long day. My neighbor and boss is back from her honeymoon in Europe and there is work to do. It's nice getting back into the swing of things, looking at things logically (editing is pretty black and white) as opposed to theoretically (tutoring is remarkably imprecise). I told her she should write "how the vacation went" and send it to everyone instead of having to tell the same stories endlessly as she reconnects to each new person.
I recall how I related the story of my trip for my grandmother's funeral, how many times I told the aspects of the story I found most engaging, how honed my language became and how the ideas fell into perfect sentences to be recited. This very much explains how I got halfway through the story I was writing about it and had to quit. The words weren't raw and I wasn't discovering anything anymore. I had been loving how the scribing process revealed some of the most amazing things about the experience, but I had spoken everything so much it began to come out like an over-chewed piece of beef. Lovely, isn't it? No one wants to read that.
Speaking of things no one wants to read, my son had been sick and recovered. He's so patient with his illnesses. The girl, on the other hand, is less inclined to tolerate the healing process and complains loudly. She started symptoms tonight, sending me to the third time to the office, this time for the spot-bot. She'd rather whine than get all the way to the bathroom.
Did anything fun happen today? I coincidentally called my mother-in-law to find out if she was coming to town and she was on the sidewalk in front of my house. Do people actually connect via thought like that? Another bit in the evidence book, I should think.
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